This week Fiona officially outgrew all her newborn clothes, got her vaccines, and started sleeping in her crib. We even had to adjust the car seats straps to the next notch, she is growing so fast! Big week for baby, but hard week for mama. I was sad to put away her newborn clothes, but at least there are a lot of cute outfits in her 3 month collection.
I was nervous about putting her across the hall all night, but she has been sleeping through the night for a couple of weeks now and is getting pretty tall for the lounger that we keep by the bed (this girl has legs!). I was hoping I would get more sleep without hearing every little sigh and grunt she makes (or the sound of her kicking her lounger all night), but now I just watch her on the monitor. Me to Pat: "Can you see her breathing??" Every time I look at her in there she either has her feet in the air wiggling all around, or sleeping like a perfect angel. I kept with our normal routine of feeding in the dark, swaddled with arms out and listening to the sound machine, and she slept in there like a champ!
At the doctor she loved laying on the table and kicking her little legs like crazy, tearing up the paper liner. She kept turning around to see that baby in the mirror. Totally mesmerized. Getting her vaccines wasn't too terrible, I did feel awful for her though. She was fussy all night and you could tell she was uncomfortable. Three shots in her legs left her pretty sore, but she got a lot of extra cuddles. The doctor said she dropped a little on the curve for percentile in weight, so I need to try and pump more milk into her feedings since she's no longer eating in the middle of the night. It could also be that she will just be long and lean, so hopefully she stays stable for her 4 month appointment.
And I just love this picture of her and her daddy, especially with her hair sticking out everywhere.
So stinking cute!