Fiona is almost 16 months old and her personality is coming out more and more. She is getting pretty good at using her shape sorter and playing with her picnic basket. She makes kind of a cheesey face when smiling sometimes, I can't tell if she's faking it or not :)
She loves to try and put her bib on herself, but takes it off if you put it on her of course. She always wants something tucked under her chin or around her neck: bibs, blankets, burp cloths, pants, anything! She is saying more consonants, I heard a Ca! when she was carrying around a toy car. We've spent some more time outside and today she actually stood in the grass and took a few steps! My mom came up for the weekend and blew bubbles for her and she loved it. She then spent the next 15 minutes chasing Pat all around downstairs and cracking up. Chasing and peek a boo are very big these days and so much fun! This is such a fun stage, I wish I could press pause!